Example searches:
Atlantic Slave Trade (keyword)
slave trade (genre: sources)
Industrial revolution -- Great Britain (Subject Heading)
Child labor -- Great Britain -- History (Subject Heading)
Children -- Great Britain -- Social conditions (Subject Heading)
Faith and reason -- History (Subject Heading)
Searching Tips
- Try different groups of keywords to see what different kinds of results you get
- From the results, click on a title that looks interesting; your search terms will show up in red.
- Look for Subject headings in the record that match your topic and try searching under these as a subject search.
- If you click on one of the subject headings links in a record, it will bring up a list of similar subjects that might also be helpful.
- Not finding many books on your topic? After trying a search, look for the button to do the same search in WorldCat, a shared catalog of libraries around the world. We can order many of these items for you through InterLibrary Loan.