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Infographics: Home

Your guide on how to use Canva or Piktochart to make eye-popping and informational infographics.


Welcome to this tutorial on how to make infographics with two web-based editing programs: Canva and Piktochart. To get started, choose one of the tabs above to pick a program. Short descriptions are available below.

 Canva is an online program that offers templates and editing tools for a variety of projects, ranging from posters and resumes to presentations and social media posts. It offers both a free version and a premium version with additional features.


 Pictochart is another online program that offers the same sort of resources, including both a free version and a premium version. One notable advantage is that it features the "infographics" templates directly on the website's dashboard page. 

Digital Liberal Arts Specialist

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Victoria Longfield
323 - 2nd floor
Van Wylen Library