Subject: Interdisciplinary Content/Description: Contains full-text articles, books, images, etc. and features an Inter-Library book loaning system with participating Michigan libraries.
If you are unable to locate the resource you need through MeLCat, there are other catalogs you can use to order books and media.
The Holland public library is strong in more popular and local materials, so you may find resources there that we don't collect at Hope. Stop by the Van Wylen Circulation desk to learn how you can get a Herrick card to check out resources and access their digital collections.
As you are browsing through your search results, keep an eye out for the call number particularly associated with your play. This will be the location in the stacks where you will be able to find the majority of books on your play. You can send this information to your phone as a text message from the catalog!
Even though a title might not appear relevant, check the table of contents in the record. There may be a chapter particularly devoted to your play.
Try a combination search of your author as a subject heading and the name of your work as a keyword.
If you click on one of the subject headings links in a record, it will search for other resources with that same subject heading. Particularly helpful ones are headings that include the name of your play or "Criticism and Interpretation" (for example: Webster, John, 1580?-1625? Criticism and Interpretation). You can also narrow to these in the left-hand facets under "Topic."
If you don't find a book on your artist in Primo, look for the MeLCat links to search for resources in other libraries that we can order for you. These books take 1-2 weeks to arrive, so make sure and allow yourself enough time.