-Brainstorm different search terms that relate to your topic (try to think of broader concepts that relate to your topic, and more specific concepts that relate to your topic; surround your topic!)
-Don't forget to try multiple searches using different combinations of search terms AND try multiple searches in different places (different databases, catalogs, Internet, etc.) AND try different combinations of keywords and Subject Headings (when available)
-Try to get an understanding of the scholarly conversation relating to your topic that has already occurred, then figure out how you can add to that scholarly conversation.
-Keep a record of what search terms you use, and keep track of each source you are considering using. Keeping your research organized will save you time and effort!
When you find a citation in a database that doesn't have the full text of the article included, look for these links:
full-text options or
Following these links will search our system to see if we have it available somewhere else. Be patient, sometimes you have to click through several links to get to the article!