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Subject: Interdisciplinary
Content/Description: Peer-reviewed journal and magazine articles, historical reviews, abstracts, and indexing from content as far back as 1867.
Subject: Interdisciplinary & nbsp;
Content/Description: Indexes journals in science, technology, medicine, social science, business, the humanities, and popular culture.
Subject: Interdisciplinary
Content/Description: Contains full-text biographies from Biography magazines as well as narrative biographies.
Subject: Interdisciplinary
Content/Description: Provides demographic (population) data including income, housing, race, age, education, consumer expenditures, and businesses.
Please Note: Access to this resource will end on March 28, 2025
Content/Description: Fifty Duke humanities and social science journals.
Please note: This resource has been cancelled and no new content will be added after 6/30/2020
Subject: Interdisciplinary
Content/Description: Provides full-text journals on a variety of topics.