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Hope Library Guides

HIST 255 - World War I America: Articles

Library Databases

For finding scholarly journal articles, the databases that the library subscribes to are your best tools.  Many provide full text electronic access to the articles right there.  If not, they provide the complete citation so that you can track down the print article in our collection or through ILL.

All library subscription databases can be selected here:


Which database?

As most of your have figured out by now, the library subscribes to a large number of databases, over 150 to be exact.  The History page on the library databases page is a good place to start familiarizing yourself to the sources that will be more helpful to you as a history major. 

Much of your work will also be interdisciplinary, so try browsing for databases in other relevant subject areas in the Databases by Academic Department section. 

Under the articles tab above, I have included some of the specific information I shared with you about the specific databases, America: History and Life and Jstor.