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Hope Library Guides

ART 241 - Researching Modern Art: Related Artworks

This is a research guide for Professor Heidi Kraus's Modern Art and Architecture course, covering 1750 to 1945.

Comparative Images

Comparative images can be similar objects, works by the same artist, works by different artists on the same theme or from the same time period or school. Different image resources have different strengths and weaknesses and it is often helpful to search multiple sites. For example:

Google Arts and Culture

Google Arts and Culture with search, collections, and location highlighted


  • Save (heart) relevant images to your profile so that you can find them again easily. You can organize these images in groups.
  • Some records contain lots of information about a work, including a bibliography of books and articles that you can locate through the library.


In order to identify relevant collections to consult, try starting by searching the following two databases for yoruban art or other terminology that describes your works.



  • Consider if variations in your search impact what images you see (ex. Nigeria tapper vs Yoruba tapper vs ife tapper)
  • Try narrowing by time period to look for works from the same or different era than yours.

artstor, showing how to save images to groups.  "register to create an account and save related works." open "organize" menu with "save selections to new image group"


  • Once signed in, individual images and groups of images may be downloaded
  • If you download a group as a power point, it will include all of the work information in the notes area
  • You can upload personal images to ARTstor groups, so consider if you might like to use this database as a place to house all of your related images.
  • You can also present from artstor groups, reordering content, and adding images to shared "slides" on the fly