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Hope Library Guides

SPN 364 A Literary Journey Through Contemporary Latin American Cultures: Citation Tools

Citation sources

Citations and Style Formatting

See all writing style guides available at the library (print versions at Research Help Desk)

Organizing and Keeping Track of Your Sources

  • Zotero: A citation management tool that can help with creating citations and storing sources as well as organizing your research through a tagging system, relationship building, note taking, among other features. Find out more here.
  • EndNote Web: A cloud-based bibliographic management and source documentation system to help you collect, organize, and use citations (account required using 1Hope email address)

Plagiarism Information



Amerindians wearing a combination of European and Andean garments. The man wears a Spanish hat, breeches and shoes with an Indigenous tunic. His companion blends European clothing techniques such as sleeves with Indigenous fashions such as the tupu, or shawl pin, that fastens her tunic. Drawing 321 from El primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno (1615-16) by Felipe de Guamán Poma de Ayala. Courtesy Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen