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Hope College Digital Commons: Faculty Submissions Information

Information on Hope College's institutional repository of faculty and student scholarly work, archives materials, and college publications.

Faculty Submissions

Faculty can submit scholarship to Hope College Digital Commons by:

  • Submitting author's accepted manuscripts in the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) system for peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings
  • Contacting the repository administrator for other types of faculty work (book chapters, presentation slides, exhibits, etc.)

Review this page for further details on these methods.

Open Access Policy

Please refer to Hope College's Open Access Policy and Open Access Guide for information on open access for your publications.  These sites explain what should be done to obtain the correct publisher permissions in order to deposit an article in Hope College Digital Commons.

Faculty Bibliography

Hope College's faculty bibliography is available at the Faculty Scholarship and Creative Performance site. 

Starting with the 2018 faculty bibliography entries are supplied from the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) system.

Data Sets

At this time Hope College Digital Commons does not have a dedicated space for data sets.  Data can be included for download as accompanying material on an article page (located near the bottom).  A dedicated data sets area on Digital Commons is being explored.

Streaming Video

Digital Commons now includes native streaming video capabilities.  If you having streaming video of a presentation or other event that you are interested in having added to Digital Commons, please contact the administrator.

Liberal Arts Research Commons

Visit the Liberal Arts Research Commons to see faculty and student scholarship from Oberlin Group members that are using Digital Commons.

Search Digital Commons

Advanced Search

Hope College Digital Commons content can also be found by searching Hope Primo.

FAR System

In the Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) system's Scholarship and Creative Activity -- Publications section use the Hope College Digital Commons -- Upload Manuscript area to add author's accepted manuscript files for peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings.  Including information in FAR on the Contribution Type (Journal Article or Conference Proceeding), Current Status (Published), Peer-reviewed/Refereed (Yes), and Date Published areas of the form will help the Digital Commons administrator better find and add your publications to the institutional repository.  Do not upload the published version (publisher's PDF) or publisher proofs.




If you have accompany materials that you would like included in Digital Commons with your author's accepted manuscript, please email those materials to the Digital Commons administrator.  Include information on the publication so that the file(s) are associated with the correct item.


To opt-out of the Hope College Open Access Policy for a peer-reviewed article or conference proceeding contact the administrator.  Include in your request details on the publication and the reason for opting-out.

Article Versions

Multiple versions of an article are involved in the scholarly publishing process, and publishers have varying permissions regarding which version of an article may be added to an institutional repository.

Here is a breakdown of article versions (please note that some publishers use differing terminology):

Original Manuscript / Pre-print / Version 1

This is the version of the article that is being submitted and has not yet been peer-reviewed.

Author's Accepted Manuscript / Post-print / Version 2

This is the version of the article that has been peer-reviewed and accepted, but does not feature the publisher's formatting.  This is the final version before publishing.  This generally does not include copy-editing and publisher's proofs/galleys.

Publisher's Version / Version 3

This is the version that is in its final, published, format featuring typesetting and journal branding.  It is the PDF version that is available to download from the journal's website.

See Open Access Button's Pre-prints, post-prints, and publisher's PDF explained for further information on definitions and terminology.

In most cases the author's accepted manuscript (post-print) version of the article is the one that will be placed in an institutional repository and made available for download (either immediately or following an embargo period).  In some cases it is possible to include the final, published, version of the article in an institutional repository.  If this is the case the institutional repository administrator will find the published version or contact you for it if necessary.

Contacting Repository Administrator

To submit work outside of the Open Access Policy's requirements (non-peer-reviewed articles and other works such as presentations, performances, or exhibits) email a citation and files to A file (or files) must be included in the email to be deposited into the repository.  Hope College Digital Commons will not accept and post citation information that only links out to a publisher's website or other external source of the work.

You may also email the administrator with inquiries about submitting scholarship or general questions about the repository.

Next Steps

The administrator will do the following with files uploaded to the FAR system and emailed works:

  • Determine if there are any publisher embargoes, what version of a publication may be deposited, and any other circumstances that may limit access to the work. This is done using Open Policy Finder (Jisc) and checking with individual publishers.
  • Input information regarding the work into Digital Commons, upload the file(s) into the repository, and post the work.
  • Contact faculty if further information is needed.

Withdrawing Submissions

If you wish to withdraw a submission from Digital Commons, contact the administrator.  Provide details on the item and a reason for your withdraw request. 

Please note that if an article or other work has been added to Digital Commons it will most likely have been indexed by Google and other search indexes.  Withdrawing an item from Digital Commons will make it no longer downloadable on the platform, but the item and its contents (title, abstract, data, etc.) may already have been captured by search indexes and downloaded by others at the time of the withdraw request.