Welcome to this tutorial page for learning about Knightlab's Storymap digital tool -- a digital mapping project useful for map research and the dissemination of visual projects. To get started, check out the getting started documentation or the video below on this page. It is also recommended to check out example projects before you begin with your own.
Check out Knightlab's example page here!
1) Navigate in any browser to storymap.knightlab.com
2) Click the green button “Make a Storymap” (shown in the image below)
3) You will be asked to log in with your google account (shown in the image below). Any google email account will work, including your Hope college email.
4) If you’ve created a storymap before, the tool will allow you to choose previously created storymaps or create a new one.
5) Next, name the new storymap project. The next screen will prompt you to name the project.
6) You should now be in the edit screen for your storymap project.
Here are a couple of tips and tricks for creating a great storymap!