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Hope Library Guides

Technical Services Manual

Manual for Technical Services student employees

Physical Processing

Physical Processing Overview

After an item has been cataloged, student employees will complete the physical processing tasks before delivering new books to Circulation for shelving.

  1. Due Date / Stamp
  2. Alma Status Update
  3. Editing Holding Record
  4. Editing Item Record (if applicable)
  5. Spine Labels

Guideline: Typically it will take 2-3 hours to process a cart of books (depending on how full the cart is).

A supervisor will then review the materials and sort any materials that require Easy Covers (cover ups) or Easy Jackets.

  • Easy Covers (if applicable)
  • Easy Jackets (if applicable)

If you have any questions, reach out to one of Technical Services staff members at any time.

Note: Do your best to avoid covering art/illustrations/text on the pages you use for the Date Due Slip and the Date Stamp. If you have concerns about where these items should go, please see the Metadata Associate.

Date Due Slip

Adhere date due slip below the barcode. This will usually be on the page facing the inside back cover. If possible, place it about one barcode width below the barcode, so approximately 1 3/4 inches (= 3 barcode widths) down from the top of the page (see below).

Exceptions: if item is a Research Help Desk, Heritage, or Archives book, affix Reference sticker instead of date due slip, since these items will not circulate.

Date Stamp

First make sure the current date is displayed on the Van Wylen Library stamp. Stamp the book in front and back, usually on the lower part of a blank page. If the page to stamp is black, dark, or covered with illustrations, stamp the first appropriate page. Or, in the case of a black or dark page, affix a blank white label in the usual location and stamp the date on the label.

E.g. Date due slip: E.g. Date stamp
Date due slip

Change the Technical Services Work Order Status

  1. Log in to Alma.
  2. Make sure the desk is set to Van Wylen Library - Main Desk.
    Scan In Items 0
  3. Go to Fulfillment > Resource Requests > Scan In Items.
  4. Leave the first four fields as-is:
    1. Automatically print slip: No
    2. External identifier: No
    3. Register in-house use: Unchecked
    4. Item from another institution: Unchecked
  5. Change Work Order Type to Tech Services Work Order.
    Scan In Items 2
  6. Change Set Status To to Physical Processing.
  7. Scan the item barcode.
  8. Repeat for any additional items.

If you are required to change the status of an individual book to a status other than Physical Processing, follow these instructions, but choose the appropriate status for Step 6.

Editing the Holding Record

  1. Log in to Alma, if you are not already logged in..
  2. Make sure your search is set to Physical titles > Barcode, then scan the book's barcode to locate the record.
  3. Click on Edit Record.
  4. Use Ctrl + i to bring up the inventory record, or click on View Related Data, then View Inventory.
  5. Click on Edit.
  6. Use Ctrl + s to add the call number to the record.
  7. In the 852 field, update the location ($$c) to the appropriate location based on the first letter of the call number after $$h (in the example below, that letter is H, so you would change the location to hvst3). Use the Alma Library and Location Code spreadsheet. The default is "hvst0," so you may not need to change it, but you will need to double-check.*
    Holdings 6
  8. Use Ctrl + Alt + r to save and release the record.
    1. If an item has a Special Note that requires an Item Record update, proceed to the "4. Editing Item Record" tab and follow the instructions, starting with step #4.
    2. If an item does not have a Special Note, use Ctrl + Alt + r to save and release again.

* If an item is going to the archives, please change the library ($$b) to "archives" (instead of "vanwylen").


Editing the Item Record

  1. Log in to Alma, if you are not already logged in.
  2. Make sure your search is set to Physical titles > Barcode, then scan the book's barcode to locate the record.
  3. Click on Edit Record.
  4. Use Ctrl + i to bring up the inventory record.
  5. Click on the ellipses ( . . . ) button and choose View Items.
  6. Click on the item's barcode to edit the item.
  7. On the General tab, if the Copy ID field is blank, enter the number 1. If there is already a number in the field, leave as-is.
    Copy ID screencapture

    If Applicable:
  8. Edit the appropriate item record on the General tab, as noted on the Special Notes flag:
    1. Material type (e.g., DVD)
    2. Description (e.g., v.1)
    3. Replacement cost (e.g., 120.00)
    4. Item policy (e.g., Non-Mel)Items 4
  9. Edit the Notes tab fields if necessary.
    1. Public note
    2. Fulfillment note, which alerts Circulation to things to be aware of (e.g., Contains 2 discs).
  10. Click Save. Make sure you click Back, close out the Inventory record by using the x in the upper right corner, and use Ctrl + Alt + r to save and release the record.

Printing Spine Labels

  1. Turn on the label printer.
  2. Launch the Spine-o-matic program; it should be set for automatic printing.
  3. Scan the item barcode; the label should print.
  4. If the label does not print accurately, try to determine why and fix the problem. If still unresolved, choose manual printing, edit the call number or type what is needed, and alert a supervisor about the problem. If the description field in the item record contains two elements (e.g., 2020 v.6), the label printing program will print 2020 v.6 on one line which is incorrect. To avoid this, choose manual printing and force the ‘v.6’ to the next line.
  5. Affix the printed call number label on the item in the appropriate location:
    1. Books:
      i. Whenever possible, place the label on the spine of the book. Use the 2” x 2” square ‘label height guide’ template to assist with proper placement; the top of the label should measure two inches from the bottom edge of the book. If the spine is too narrow and all the characters on the call number would not be visible, place the label on the front cover of the book; the top of the label should measure two inches from the bottom front edge of the book. If there is important information on the spine that should not be covered, e.g., volume numbering or volume specific information such as in encyclopedic sets, place the label elsewhere on the spine.
      ii. Affix a clear label protector on the spine label of most hardbound books. If the book will be shelved on the Curric. PZ shelves, use the designated colored label protector.
      iii. Books that do NOT need label protectors: books that need plastic Easy Jackets to cover their paper book jackets and paperback books that will be covered by Easy Cover coverups.
    2. Videos - remove the video box cover sheet, place the call number label on the video box cover sheet, and return the cover sheet to the case; no label protector needed.
    3. Discs - see special instructions for Discs.
    4. Rare books - do NOT put call number labels on Rare books.
  6. Turn off the label printer when finished.

NOTE: When label backing accumulates and needs to be removed, use a scissors to cut off the excess; if it is simply ripped off, then the alignment might be affected. Turn off the label machine whenever alignment adjustments need to be made to the spine label roll feed.  

NOTE: If the zebra spine label machine runs out of labels or ink, please let the Metadata Associate know so they can replace. (Others in Technical Services also know how to change the labels and/or ink if need be.)