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Hope Library Guides

Technical Services Manual

Manual for Technical Services student employees

Easy Covers and Easy Jackets

Easy Covers (aka Cover-ups)

Use to reinforce and protect paperback books.


  • Easy Bind Repair Tape
  • Easy Cover Sheets - 2 (front and back)
  • Easy Trim Trimmer
  • Easy Cover Squeegee
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

Easy Bind Repair Tape

  1. Determine if book needs Easy Bind Repair Tape.  If the first couple of pages front and back are attached well to the text block and to the covers, the book does not need tape.  (Proceed to Easy Cover instructions below.)  If it appears that the added weight of the cover-up on the cover of the book may cause it to separate from the text block, then the book should be taped.
  2. Cut two strips of Easy Bind Tape ¼” shorter than the length of the book, to ensure that the tape does not hang out of the book.
  3. Remove the Peel ‘n Place liner from the center of one Easy Bind strip to expose centering strip adhesive.
  4. Fold the Easy Bind tape lengthwise, adhesive side out, and place in the gutter of the book. (Note: a ruler could be used to facilitate this process.)
  5. Remove the tape’s liner and press Easy Bind tape into place.
  6. Repeat for back cover.

Easy Cover Sheets

  1. Choose appropriate laminate size; two sheets (front and back) are needed.
  2. Measure the sheets slightly smaller than the cover, and cut to size using the Easy Trim Trimmer.
  3. First, affix the sheet without the wide flexible flap on the back side of the book. Do not cover the area ¾” closest to the spine to assure flexibility.  Always press down the cover from the center out; this is very important to prevent bubbles.
  4. Affix the sheet with the wide flexible flap on the front; do the spine flexible part first.  If possible, center the wide flexible part around the spine.  Avoid putting the seam over the call number part of the label as it might distort the call number.
  5. Use the squeegee as needed to rub out any bubbles.
  6. See Easy Cover instruction page from Kapco for more detailed instructions.

NOTE:  Do not remove notes or flags (if any) from books.

Guideline: As you are learning, it will take around 10 minutes to do a cover up. It may be a little more or a little less. But aim to finish 6-ish books per hour. With more experience, it may take a little less time.


Easy Jackets

Use to protect paper jackets on books that are less than or equal to 12 inches or 31 cm tall.

  1. Remove jacket from book and flatten the creases using a squeegee.
  2. Use the Kapco cutter to cut a piece of plastic as long as the length of the jacket, making sure the plastic is lined up straight.
  3. Make sure that the outer part of the jacket is facing down, and slip the top of the jacket into the small folded part of the plastic.
  4. Fold the extra plastic at the bottom tightly onto the jacket and squeegee the plastic to crease it across the bottom.
  5. Place the jacket back on the book and tape the plastic edges (top, bottom, front, and back) at an angle towards the spine of the book.

NOTE: Do not remove notes or flags (if any) from books.

NOTE: Some new books are received that already have easy jackets but are not taped.  Tape should be added to all four edges.


CoLibri Jackets

This is an old method; we still have some sizes left, but this process has been replaced by Easy Jackets.

Used to protect paper jackets on books; especially those that are greater than 12 inches or 31 cm tall. The Easy Jacket size we have will not work with tall books.

  1. Turn on the CoLibri machine.
  2. Choose appropriate size (use grid on the machine).
    1. Small
    2. Standard
    3. Big
  3. Remove cover from book; place cover inside the CoLibri jacket opened and centered from left to right.
  4. Place book on top of jacket to decrease movement.
  5. First machine cut.
    1. Slide top edge under cutting bar, leave ¼ inch space.
    2. Press down one lever to check spacing (this will NOT activate the blade).
    3. Press down both levers to cut the CoLibri; continue pressing until “finished” appears in the display.
    4. Place jacket on book, put into the CoLibri, and center.
  6. Second and third machine cuts.
    1. Cut each vertical side on front and back covers as needed.

NOTE: Do not remove notes or flags (if any) from books.